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Praise for Eda Ece from Şevval Sam!


Şevval Sam, who was reflected in the lenses while shopping, praised his former co-star Eda Ece's motherhood.

Şevval Sam, the successful name of the screens and stages, was reflected in the lenses in Vadistanbul the other day. The beautiful actress, who attracted attention with her cheerful demeanor and energy, posed and answered the questions of reporters.

Şevval Şam said, "There was a composition we started last year, I will enter its paper, a beautiful song is coming."

 Answering the question of whether they met with her former co-star Eda Ece after the birth, Sam said, "She became a very beautiful mother, motherhood suits my Eda very well. May she grow up in good health." 

Thanking the journalists with her modest and sincere attitude, she left the shopping center.

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