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Turkish TV series shine in Europe


 Yabani, Bahar, Sevda without borders! Spain was the country that made Turkish TV series shine in Europe

There is interest in Turkish TV series in many countries around the world. However, it is noteworthy that one Turkish series after another has been broadcast in Spain recently and orders have been placed for new ones.

Many Turkish series have been broadcast in different countries in Europe, but Spain has recently started to stand out in this regard.

The fact that agreements have recently been made to show one popular Turkish series after another in Spain speaks volumes about how harmoniously the culture of this country and Turkish TV series are progressing.

New deals with Spain have been announced by MADD, the agency that distributes the Turkish series Yabani, Hudutsuz Sevda, Kirli Sepeti, Şahane Hayatım and Bahar.

MADD continues to increase its power in Spain, one of the strongest markets in Europe for Turkish TV series. This situation also enables the interest of different countries in Turkish TV series to be explained more strongly through the example of Spain.

Ateş İnce, General Manager of MADD Entertainment, said, "We have made a very careful investment to develop our business in Spain."

"We believe in the long-term future of Turkish TV series in Spain and are working closely with our broadcasting partners to help the audience grow in a stable and sustainable way," said Ateş İnce.
